Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 4 update

When I was a kid growing up, I really liked a movie called The Never Ending Story.  I can't exactly remember what the movie was about, or why I liked it, but I feel like the name of the movie fits how we feel right now.  As time and the world flies by us, it seems like each day is like the last, and its hard to remember if what happened this morning actually happened today, yesterday or the day before.  It feels like there is no end in sight, and our precious angel is getting older while we only get a few moments each day to spend with her.  I know that the doctor says that Maddy will get better with time, but it seems like she is moving very slowly towards getting better.  We know that God has a plan, and that his plans are bigger than we could ever think or imagine. We are comforted by that fact, and hopefully we will one day be able to look back on this experience and be thankful for where we have been.  We are thankful for so many things (check back at our previous posts) and continue to count each day and moment with our daughter as such a blessing.

Last night through this morning, Maddy had two blood sugar readings that exceed the 60 that she needed.  Her glucose drip is at 6 ML/HR and our prayers are being answered.  The doctor has decided that they would like to begin a more aggressive treatment and are now going to lower her glucose drip each time that her levels exceed a 45!  We are hopeful that this treatment approach will allow Madalyn to be removed from the glucose altogether, and that she will have levels that exceed 45 each time they check today.  Once she gets down to zero on the glucose drip, we are pretty sure that there will be a period of time (probably 48 hours) where they will continue to monitor Madalyn to make sure she is regulating her blood sugars on her own.  The doctor also has decided to check Maddy's urine for signs of a rare, but not impossible, metabolic issue.  We pray that these results will come back normal, and that additional treatment will not be required for her.

Ashlyn is making tremendous improvements and is able to walk accross the living room without a walker.  She still needs to have something to hold on to, but this progress gives us hope that she will be walking on her own very soon.  She also was able to get a good amount of sleep last night, which is another answer to prayers.

Thank you all again for the flowers, thoughtful messages, and prayers.

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