Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday post

Last night and this morning, Maddy has done relatively well without the assistance of a glucose drip.  She has had blood sugar readings above 40 each time they have checked her, which is good because she seems to be regulating on her own (although not as high as the doctors would like).  They are continuing to challenge her system, and have increased the amount of food that she eats to help her out. 

The doctors also are allowing Ashlyn to breast feed again, but they would like to try to measure how much food Maddy is getting when breast feeding.  At the next feeding, the doctors are planning to weigh Maddy before and after feeding to see how much weight she gains, and calculate the ML's of food that she is taking in. We are glad they are letting us do this, since it has been hard for Ashlyn to not be able to breast feed.  We are hoping that Ashlyn will feed her enough milk for them to allow her to breast feed one or two times a day.  They are also wanting to test Ashlyn's breast milk to make sure that it contains enough calories to continue to breast feed.  Right now, they are adding some high calorie formula to Ashlyn's milk each time that they feed her.  

Another tidbit of good news that we have received is that Madalyn's metabolic tests all came back as normal.  We are thankful that these came back as normal since this allows the doctors to pinpoint the cause of the blood sugar issues Madalyn is having. We are so thankful that she is otherwise healthy, and the Doctors continue to stress, that Madalyn's blood sugar should get better with time, especially if Madalyn's system has a consistent amount of food coming in.  

Please continue to pray that Madalyn's pancreas will learn to regulate on its own, and continue to pray for our nerves;yesterday was a pretty stressful day.

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