Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Maddy is still working through the challenge the the doctor ordered this morning.  She had decent levels throughout the day, but never beat the 60 that she needed to decrease the glucose drip. Her drip remains at 8ML/hour.   We are anxious that she does not seem to be progressing as quickly as the doctor would like, and hope that she will make an improvement throughout the night.  She was pretty alert tonight when we were there, and she still is eating like a champ. 

The past week has flown by for both Ashlyn and I, and we both are wondering when the effects of the physical and emotional stress will begin to set in.  I am pretty sure Ashlyn is working off of a superhuman adrenaline rush, and I pray that she will be able to get some sleep between pumping tonight.  I have been able to get some sleep the past few days, only because Ashlyn's Mom is still here, and she takes over helping Ashlyn at 5 in the morning, which gives me a chance to catch up.  We are so thankful that she has been able to spend this time with us, and there is really no way that we could get through this without her.

Every time I post something to the blog, I can't help but smile and be thankful for all of the support that we have been receiving from everyone.  We appreciate all that you have done for us, and especially for your prayers.

As we get in bed for the night, we ask that you pray for the following for us:
1. That Maddy's blood sugar levels will improve and that the NICU staff will be able to ween her off the glucose drip.
2. For Ashlyn.  Although she is beginning to be able to walk some without the walker (a few steps at a time), please pray that she will be able to walk completely free of the walker.  Please also pray that she will be able to catch up on her sleep.
3.  For our nerves.  We have been feeling pretty anxious about Maddy's status and are trying to stay as optomistic as possible.
4. That we will continue to trust in God through this.  He is our rock and I can't imagine how anyone could get through a situation that seems this difficult, draining, overwhelming and beautiful (life is beautiful) without knowing Him.

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